пятница, 16 сентября 2011 г.

Домашнее задание

1) Записать в словарь, протранскрибировать и выучить прилагательные по теме "Who's Who"

2) Выполнить упражнение 3  на странице 5  (рабочая тетрадь "Up & Up").

Упражнение 3 стр.5 

Fill in the blanks with the suitable adjectives:

intelligent, bossy, confident, sociable, charming, determined

1) Jane is ____, she always tells the others what to do.

2) Andrew is very _____, he can't spend a day without his friends.

3) Kevin is so ____, he always feels sure about everything he does.

4) Little Amy is _____, everybody smiles when they see her.

5) Marion is reslly ____, she wins all the chess tournaments in her school.

6) Paul is _____ to finish the law school next year.


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