воскресенье, 23 октября 2011 г.

Домашнее задание

Самостоятельная работа.
1) Выполнить тест 1 на странице 21-22 (задание 1, задание 2 (1-15)

Task 1. Choose the suitable words. Keep in mind that only one variant is correct.
1) A: Hullo, Janet. __1_ you today?
B: _2_ fine. And you?
A: Very _3_, thank you.
B: _4_ your mother today?
A: _5_ London.

1 A Who are В How are С Who is D How is
2 A I'm В Am С I D Ami
3 A good В fine С well D best
4 A When is В Where is С When are D Where are
5 A On В At С In D Of

2) A: Is this _6_ car?
B: No, it's _7_. He is _8_ there.
A: Is he 9 ?
B: Yes, but his car 10 American.

6 A you're В you С your D yours
7 A of Mr Brown В to Mr Brown С Mr Brown's D a Mr Brown
8 A this man В that man С this men D that men
9 A England В English С an English D a English
10 A it B it's С is D its

3) A: Where are Tony and Mary?
B: They 11 the bus stop. They're going 12 school.
A: Have they got 13 books?
B: Yes, Mary is reading 14 book, and Tony 15 books in his bag.

11 A are at В are С is at D is to
12 A in В on С at D to
13 A there В they're С their D they
14 A her В she С she's D hers
15 A have her В has her С have his D has his

4) A: There's an English book 16 the table. 17 it?
B: It's 18 . Have you got 19 ?
A: No, I haven't got 20 .

16 A in В on С into D onto
17 A Who is В Whose С Who's D Whose is
18 A of me В me С my D mine
19 A dictionary В some dictionary С any dictionary D a dictionary
20 Aa В one С some D any

Task 2. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Английский язык — международный язык.
2. Том и Мэри сейчас в Москве.
3. Русский язык — мой родной язык.
4. Январь — первый месяц года.
5. Твой брат студент? — Да.
6. Они ведь сейчас не в Лондоне, не так ли?
7. Новый год — мой любимый праздник.
8. Вашингтон — столица США.
9. Май и июнь — прекрасные месяцы в Москве.
10. История — интересный предмет.
11. Сигареты вредны для вашего здоровья.
12. Кофе дорогой.
13. Он сейчас в Лондоне или в Париже?
14. Собака — друг человека.
15. Ее муж бухгалтер или инженер?

2) Выполнить письменный перевод текста на странице 24
The English used in different parts of the world differs in many ways. There are differences in pronunciation and spelling of the British and American terms. For example, Americans and Englishmen will pronounce differently the words clerk, dance, necessary, etc. Ameri¬cans write labor, the British write labour, Americans write center, the British write centre. And in the many countries where English is used, the slang and idiomatic expressions are different, too.
The English language is interesting because it varies from place to place, and because it is a living, ever-changing language. Nevertheless, Americans, Englishmen, Canadians and people from many other parts of the far-spread English-speaking world have little or no difficulty in understanding one another.
Nowadays more and more agreements are made in English, for English r. universal business language. Joint ventures, bank loans, and trademark licenses are frequently written in English.
Business letters may be divided into official and semi-official. The first kind of letters is characteristic of those people working in business: an executive, a department manager, a salesman, a secretary or a specialist in business and technology. But also many people want to buy something, to accept an invitation or to congratulate somebody — this is a kind of semi-official letters.

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