пятница, 16 сентября 2011 г.

Домашнее задание (начинающие)

1) Составить 10 предложений по модели:  Moscow is the capital of Russia.

2) Записать в словарь и выучить выражения по теме "Meeting People. Greetings".

3) Выполнить упражнения  2(а), 3, 4 на странице 12.

Exercise 2.

a) Put in the verb to be in the correct form.

1.I ... a student. 2. He ... an economist. 3. We ... workers. 4. They ... doctors. 5. You ... a lawyer. 6. She ... a secretary. 7. You ... managers. 8. It... a cat. 9. These girls ... very strange. Where ... they from? 10.I ... fond of sports. 11. Jane ... married, but Nick and John ... single. 12. You and Kate ... here for the first time. 13. We ... at the lesson now. 14. He ... a businessman and his wife ... a model. 15. They ... my friends, but who ... he? 16. Where ... your car? 17.I... an artist, and what... you? 18. Here ... all the money I've got on me. 19. Helen ... Russian. She ... twenty. She ... a good student. She ... not married. She ... single. Her eyes ... blue. She ... beautiful. She ... from the Urals. She ... fond of music. She ... interested in foreign languages. She ... good at swimming. Her favourite seasons ... spring and summer. Her friend's name ... Nick. He ... twenty. He ... not a student. He ... a singer. He ... tall and handsome. His hair and eyes ... black. His new car ... red. They ... good friends.

Exercise 3.

Match the questions with the answers.

Are you Russian?Fine, thank you.
What's your name?No, I'm single.
How are you?Yes, I am. I am Russian.
Who is that girl?My name is Alex.
What do you do?She is Helen.
Are you married?I'm an economist.
What does she do?I'm twenty.
Where is she from?That's a pen.
How old are you?She's a doctor.
What's that?She is from Minsk.

Exercise 4.

Complete the dialogues, translate the sentences into English where necessary.

1.  — Добрый день! Как дела?

—  Fine, thank you. And you?

—  Все в порядке, благодарю вас.

2.   — Let me introduce my friend to you. This is Mr Brown.

—  Здравствуйте, господин Браун.

—  I'm happy to meet you, too.

3.   — It's a fine day today.

— Вы правы, сегодня прекрасный день.

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